Walking around together / I hope we walk the same

Walking around together,
I hope we walk the same.
Darkness will come,
in this dream and weather.
This city,
Is where I’ll dig my grave.
The breeze and twisters,
falling trees and flowers,
Rolling heaps of dried leaves
and broken brooms and rakes
walk behind me.
I hope we walk the same.

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Photograph in Sun Dust

The sun was on your face and you glowed in return.

You took a photograph and they were hid; all your hurt.

Broken and raw, covered up in sun dust;

Listening to the roar of insecurities and all,

Scolding at your face, yelling to keep shut.

Camouflaged beauty lion,

The one inside you is greater,

And you are not broken but raw;

Hiding in the coverup of sun dust.

Blessed are the colors

that spring forth good thoughts,

Like your face is the light of emotions;

Written down without words,

You light my mind up.

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Missing You

To speak of lost friends,

To speak of lost laughs and broken promises and lost truths.

That I love you, that I need you, that I’ll be there for you.

That you are the only one; that we are best together;

That these are now lost to the times that we once knew,

That all I can do is remind you of these times that we once knew.


To speak of being alone without you,

To dream of your presence just to feel better.

To speak of how you listen when I talk,

How each time I see you, my breath feels renewed;

How these are now lost to the times that we once knew,

How all I can do is remind you of these times that we once knew,

And speak like I am fine and nothing was missed nor forgotten;

I may fall to the floor and crumble.

I don’t want to speak of you.

I don’t want to miss you.

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Soaring through me

 I see it’s you, behind my eyes. 
Stuck in my head, but when you are here.
And I feel the truth, tipped on my tongue;
Hung on a thread, but never once heard.
Thus tells the reason;
You take my bones, you beat me up.
You take my voice, you speak in blues.
I’m stuck in time, you’re soaring through me.
I hail the stars, they’re in your eyes.
I say a prayer, no looking back.
I’ve found my life, it’s in your hands.
Let’s sail the stars; we’re hand in hand.

The stars are neigh; close as we are.
Between our eyes; catching our fire.
They explode at last; blinding out sight.
They explode out bright; supernova!
We fall down fast, and love is around.
I take your hands, I’ll hold you on.
I’ll write you songs, I’ll sing in blues.
Yes take me on, we’ll sail us on.
Yes make us one, we’ll hold us up.

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Sleepy well

The sun is beautiful tonight;

It hides behind your back.

The moon turns periscope;

your eyes are spied.


Morning sparks

Shiny rise, shiny rise

The moon is majestic today;

It hides behind your back.

The moon is periscope;

The sun spies the ones in the dark.


Hello world

Sing me songs

Everything is great

Satellites play their drama, 

In the nights and in day.


Sing me songs.

Sing for the ones in the dark.

Everything is great

The world is in a cycle and in time I’ll return 

Everything is okay

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